Where, When & How?

After making the decision to study Brazilian Portuguese & Brazilian culture in Brazil, the next decisions to make were, where, when & how. Time to start the research project.

Obvious places to consider were,  Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Salvador,Floranopolis and Curitiba.

Rio de Janeiro: A great place to visit for a holiday, but maybe not the best place to study. Expensive courses, expensive living costs, safety worries, difficult public transport, and not the best climate in the world.

Sao Paulo: A huge city, difficult to move about, traffic jams everywhere, expensive courses and living costs and safety concerns.

Salvador: The capital of Bahia state in North Eastern Brazil. A very vibrant city with great beaches, several private schools, cheaper than studying in both Rio and Sao Paulo.  A great place to learn about Afro-Brazilian culture. A definite possibility.

Floranopolis: The capital of Santa Catarina State in Southern Brazil, a very popular destination for tourists from all over the world. More limited availability of course dates and ability levels in the private schools, worth further consideration.

Curitiba: The capital city of the state of Parana in southern Brazil. Considered the greenest city in Latin America and possibly the world. The city sits on a plateau at 932 metres about sea level and has a temperate climate. The best public transport system in Brazil with adequate available living accommodation. Both University and private courses available throughout the year. A definite possibility.


After my research, studying at a state university in Brazil was certainly appealing and I thought it would look good on my CV so I choose the Federal University of Parana in Curitiba (Universidade Federal do ParanáUFPR). The University operates a specialist language school CELIN Centro de Línguas e Interculturalidade. Portuguese courses are offered at 10 different levels from basic to advanced. Courses start in January, March, June, August and October each year. Courses run for 8 weeks with 100 hours contact time including both language and cultural education. The week prior to the course starting there is a mandatory test to assess competence levels to ensure students are placed in the right class. You can check out the CELIN guide for foreign students at


Remember you can contact info@intercambiohelp4u.co.uk, Tel: +44 207 636 8500 for all enquiries regarding the CELIN course.

My next posting will go through the planning I undertook before arriving in Brazil and the documents I had to apply for to ensure my arrival in Brazil went without a hitch J.


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